We all desire to safeguard the ability to reason and think. After all, it is the only thing that helps you make success in life and lead a happy and stress-free life. There is a way to boost your brain and make your memory stinger and sharper. A few food items have been identified as brain-boosters or memory enhancers that help in maintain and protecting the thinking and reasoning ability of the brain. 

Foods that can improve your memory

In addressing all the items that help in boosting the brain, will make a huge list of thirty to forty items. So, let us club the food items into categories and explore their attributes. 

The categories can be expressed as-

Whole grains

The low glycaemic whole grains such as bajra, jowar, rajgira, that release glucose steadily into the bloodstream. This helps in releasing energy the most important element for the brain. For focusing or concentrating the body need an adequate flow of energy steadily flowing from the glucose release by the whole grains.


Vegetable like tomato helps in protecting against radical cell damage that shows during Alzheimer’s. Broccoli contains vitamin K that enhances cognitive functions and boosts the brain. It also contains glucosinolates, that slow the breakdown of neurotransmitters, acetylcholine required for the central nervous system.

Nuts and seeds

Walnuts and almonds have a high level of antioxidants and vitamins that help n improving mental alertness. Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc that is vital for boosting memory and thinking abilities.


Saffron reduces depression symptoms and helps one to think freely. Similarly, black pepper helps in lowering depression symptoms and also aids brain functioning. Additionally, Turmeric being rich in curcumin is well-suited for improving memory and helping the functioning of the brain.

Herbs and Plants

Sage is believed to improve memory and the power of concentration. Other than that rosemary and green tea helps in learning and boosting memory. Rosemary helps boost the ability to remember and green tea is rich in antioxidants best for memorizing something.

A balanced diet that serves the right proportion of nutrition provides aid for proper brain functioning. Further, it helps in boosting the thinking power and memory. Regardless, some in the list have other beneficial effects as well. Consuming these for a longer period of time can benefit you greatly. Stay healthy and alert by adding a daily diet to your chart that not only is tasty but also boosts your body and mind.


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