Spices are used for food preparations in order to give taste, aroma, flavor, texture, color, and for seasoning or garnishing food items. These can be used crushed, powdered, and whole. Some of these spices have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and diuretic properties allowing an abundance of essential oils and phytochemicals. When mixed with food makes it tasty, and helps in preserving it for a longer period of time. Many spices and herbs possess more antioxidants than vegetables and fruits.

Turmeric is one of the effective agents of inflammations

Turmeric is one of the most used spices in the Indian kitchen. The curcumin content makes turmeric fight inflammation. Additionally, its powerful antioxidant properties protect the heart in different ways, being brain-boosting, helping tackle arthritis, and fighting diabetes as well.

Black pepper aids in weight loss

Black pepper helps you lose weight because it is rich in phytonutrients that help in breaking down excess fat. The spice also helps in improving your body’s metabolism.

Cinnamon has high medical properties

Cinnamon's smell and flavor come from the oily part, i.e. high in cinnamaldehyde. It has the highest antioxidant and can reduce levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL(bad) cholesterol, keeping the HDL(good) cholesterol stable. Cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity, which can decrease the blood sugar level.

Dried Mangoes help in boosting immunity

A lot of dried fruits are used as spices and are rich in antioxidants. Among which dried mango provides a powerful dose of healthy components. It is a supply house for Vitamin A, Calcium, Iron, and Potassium.

Coriander helps in good digestion

Coriander is rich in protein Vitamin C and K. It also contains minute levels of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, niacin, thiamin, and carotene. Coriander has been known for improving the digestive system and promotes liver functions.

Cumin helps in improving the memory

Cumin can aid your health by stimulating the central nervous system is becoming more effective. This property of cumin offers a sharper memory and gives you even better control over limbs.

Make sure the spices that you use in your food are pure to avail of these benefits offered by spices. Make sure that the spices you use in preparing your food are without any synthetic preservatives or adulteration. The spices should have the natural essence giving their aroma, taste, and plenty of health benefits. Choose the right spices for cooking tasty and healthy food.


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